Masterclasses + Meditations

Inner Power Activator Audio Masterclass

It’s so important in this time to break free from anything holding your back. You are an amazing powerful being and it is time to step into that, own it and shine!

In this Audio Masterclass I share my 3 steps to activate your Inner Power and unlock your True Authentic Self.   I also do a powerful hypnosis session at the end of the Masterclass.

You will get a good idea of what the Inner Power Activator Program encompasses and how I work. I have added an extra week since then about “The Body” as I believe having tools to connect with & heal the body is crucial to step into your authentic self.

Energy Alignment of Nervous system through the Elements: 9 March 2024

It’s such an interesting time on the planet right now. There are so many different views on what is happening.

However listening to your heart and soul and staying true to yourself (and compassion for anyone around you) is so important.

We are incredible powerful creators, that is one of our mayor gifts and birthrights on this planet as a human being.

This meditation is wonderful to help assist with:

  • Aligning the body & the nervous system through using the 4 Elements (Fire, Water, Wind and Earth)
  • Connecting to the consciousness of these Elements and the wisdom of their Spirit
  • Calming the nervous system (fight and fight) through the brain
  • Activating & energising the nervous system through the conscious connection to the heart
  • Downloading wisdom from your Body, your Heart and your Guidance (Higher/ Inner Wisdom)

Inner Connection Meditation (Balancing Brain & Nervous System): 12 February 2024

We are in a big shift on the planet where the frequency is rising and where we as humanity have an opportunity to grow, ascend, raise our consciousness and step into the Soul, the energy that you really are. It is important to stay true to yourself and to look for healing, connection and answers within.

In this meditation we balance your Brain and your Nervous system in a very deep, easy and powerful way. Once you align your Brain and Nervous system, you will truly help your body, your energy and how you function in this very busy world.

In short, this meditation helps you:

  • Balancing your hemispheres of your Brain
  • Opening your Pineal Gland (your consciousness gland)
  • Calming and clearing your Nervous system
  • Energising and uplifting your Nervous system
  • Connecting your Heart to brain & nervous system
  • Allowing your Soul wisdom/ guidance to come through
  • Healing, Releasing, Rejuvenating the Body

    Speaker View Meditation: 29 December 2023

    Everything has Consciousness. Each organ, each bone, each cell, each person, plant, the planet have consciousness and an infinite level of wisdom. We just have to tap into it and connect. Seems like a great time to do that in this time where we shift from one year to the other.

    In this meditation we:

    • Center and Align our Energy, using colour cylinders/ discs, and the Earth – Universe connection
    • Connect with & Heal the Body on 3 levels: Nervous system, Bones and 2 specific organs.
    • Access our Inner Wisdom and your Heart around what we unexpectedly are leaving behind in 2023 and bringing with us in 2024
    • Bundling our energies for the best possible Connection & Healing with our planet next year.
    • And much more.